

Bloody Pit of Horror
2010 album
reissue street date: July 16, 2021

After a triumphant European tour that includede appearances at the With Full Force and Dour Festivals, Antarctic rock gods GWAR have returned to their ice-bound fortress, to drink blood and begin work on their newest and most gut-crushing album yet. That s right, right now, at the sorta halfway point of GWAR s special two-year long 25th Anniversary Slay-a-Bration, Slave Pit Inc. and Metal Blade Records are proud to announce the title of GWAR's new album.

Our new album is called Bloody Pit of Horror, said ODERUS URUNGUS, front-thing and leading female impersonator. We are fully aware that there is a movie of the same title, I assure you it has nothing to do with it, save the title, which we stole from them. But you see, we're calling it GWAR's Bloody Pit of Horror , and that's a little different, so hopefully we won't get sued!

The new album is reportedly heavy as frick, and features songs like Hail to Genocide , Storm is Coming , and Tick-Tits . That s a song about a chick whose breasts are covered in ticks... big fat gray puffy ones , said Oderus. A full track listing and official release date is expected soon.

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